This is how you came into the world.
Precious, lovable…Perfect.
Do you still feel that way?
This is how you came into the world:

Precious, lovable…Perfect.
Do you still feel that way?
Precious, lovable…Perfect.
Do you still feel that way?
Probably not. If you’re like most people, Life happened and made you forget the truth of who you really are.
At the Center for Life Enhancement, we provide personal development courses that promote growth from the INSIDE-OUT. Each is designed for you to reclaim your true self and to redefine how you show up in the world.
No matter what age you are, in every moment, you decide who you want to be. Maybe your current choices feel stale. Maybe you’re not showing the best parts of yourself. Maybe there are things you want from life, but you’re too afraid or you think “That’s just not me.” Great news! You have an abundance of available possibilities…
Start now and choose something new and extraordinary for yourself:
The Living Course
A 30-hour personal development weekend designed to help you claim your true potential, gain personal insight and adopt new means to create the life you want.
Redirecting Children’s Behavior
A five-week course based on the popular book of the same name, designed to teach you effective new ways to interact with the children in your life.