The Kids Course
The Kids Course (TKC) is an impactful weekend dedicated to reinforcing what you as a parent are teaching at home. It is our goal to provide kids with the tools to become the people they are designed to be—confident, assertive and excited about themselves as human beings.

- Recognize how their behavior impacts others
- Feel good about him/herself as a person
- Be heard and more understood by using “V.I.P”—voice, eyes and posture
- Let go of grudges and past hurts
- Understand his/her feelings. Learn how to label them, express them and handle them healthily
- Develop him/herself as a leader
- Meet new friends and learn how to interact successfully in groups
Does this happen in your house?…

The story usually goes like this…
Mike gets furious, shoves Maggie and steals back the remote. A battle ensues until one of them gets hurt and mom intervenes, sending both of them to their rooms and grounding them from television for a week.
But after THE KIDS COURSE, it could go like this…
Mike gets furious and is tempted to start a fight with Maggie. Then he remembers an exercise called the “Heart Lock-In” where he learned that all the answers exist inside him. He closes his eyes, places his hand on his chest and starts to breathe deeply.
Feeling more relaxed, Mike asks his heart, “How am I feeling right now?” It answers that he feels angry, invisible and unimportant. Then he asks, “What could I do now to handle these feelings in a peaceful way?” Listening closely to his heart, he realizes that he has several healthy options. He could:

- Take a break until he’s calmer and can share his feelings with Maggie without anger.
- Admit that he was playing on his tablet and not even watching TV.
- Invite Maggie to brainstorm a “Win/Win” solution with him.
Instead of a damaging fight, Mike chooses a calm, peaceful alternative.
Can it really be this simple? YES!
Parents, ask your kids these questions:
- Wish you had more self-confidence?
- Think other kids are better than you?
- Have angry feelings but not know how to handle them?
- Feel like you’re not “normal?”
- Fight with your family or friends?
- Wish you were happier?
- Want to be a powerful person in this world?