Who takes TLC and why?
People choose to attend TLC for a variety of reasons. Some may feel as if nothing in life seems to work. Others may be struggling with a particular area in life that eludes them. Many are simply interested in increasing their understanding of themselves and developing new tools with which to approach life and their interactions with others.
How is the course weekend structured?
Presented in a customized course room format, The Living Course combines personal exercises, group interaction and intensive instruction to help you improve your relationships with others by improving your relationship with yourself. TLC is not a ‘one size fits all’ program, but an individualized approach to self-discovery for the purpose of experiencing your full potential.
The basic structure of TLC remains the same from course to course. However, every TLC weekend is unique because the topics of discussion are shaped by the needs of those attending. The course is limited to just 15 participants in order to provide you with the benefit of significant personal attention from our two experienced instructors, who will help you confront your obstacles and lead you to the insight you need to charge forward.
What sort of “exercises” will we do during the weekend?
My friend suggested that I enroll, but I think my life is fine just the way it is. Why should I take TLC?
I’m already in therapy. Why would I need TLC?
TLC could be described as a therapeutic intensive—roughly equivalent to six months of regular therapy in three days. Consider that if you were to see a therapist for a typical 45-minute session every week, it would take more than 30 weeks to equal the 30 hours of condensed learning that takes place during a TLC weekend.
We encourage you to talk to your therapist about TLC, and if it would be beneficial for him/her to have a conversation with one of our instructors, we would be happy to arrange it. Many students come to TLC by recommendation of their individual therapists, and we are always eager for the therapeutic community to know about our work.
Who else will be in the room during my course?
I’m a very private person. Why is it necessary to share my feelings with a group of people I don’t know?
- Many people struggle with issues of fear, depression or shame that keep them isolated from their lives and the people around them. Discovering that others experience the same kinds of feelings can be a very comforting and healing experience. TLC helps students begin to realize that no one is truly alone.
- TLC illuminates how we relate to other people and focuses on the importance of team building. Having the benefit of immediate team feedback informs the student how to be a valuable member of any team—whether at work, in one’s family or just as a part of the team we call the human experience.
- The other people in the room are what make the TLC experience. We create a remarkably safe environment in which to learn and grow. It may seem hard to believe, but we feel confident saying that you may never meet a group of people more committed to your success. Most participants say that they’ve never felt more nurtured or supported in their lives.
I just realized that my friend or family member is going to be assisting during the weekend, and I’m not sure I feel comfortable sharing personal things about myself with people I know in the room.
Y’know, I might not admit this to anyone, but the idea of doing TLC scares me.
We take responsibility for creating a safe and accepting environment for your self-exploration, and we encourage you to approach the unknown with curiosity and embrace the idea of change as an adventurous opportunity for growth.
Is TLC affiliated with some religion or theology?
All persons of any or no religious belief are welcome. In fact, we have instructed students of almost every religious or non-religious persuasion: Christian, Baptist, Catholic, Jewish, Mormon, Buddhist, Muslim, atheist, agnostic and more. TLC is a course focused on helping you develop skills to assist you on your path, whatever your beliefs may be.
Is TLC a cult?
Because TLC can be such a powerfully transformative experience, it happens frequently that former students wish to share it by helping to enroll the people who are close to them. However, participants receive no monetary compensation or “status promotion” for enrolling someone—only the joy of knowing that their friend, family member or colleague is on a path toward a more fulfilling way of living.
Will all of my problems be solved after TLC?
What happens after TLC?
- Attend the Follow-Up. Two weeks after your initial course weekend, a Follow-Up will take place. This essential 3-hour completion session offers you the opportunity to review your progress, fine-tune what you have learned, get answers to questions that may have come up and reconnect with others involved in your course.
- Serve as an Assistant. As an added advantage, all TLC participants are eligible to return as an Assistant during future TLC weekends at no additional charge. Many people say they gain great benefit through assisting, as it affords them the opportunity to reinforce the work they began during their initial course weekend.
- Stay connected. There are a number of ways to keep your process going even when you’re not in the course room. Many former students establish and maintain strong, supportive friendships within the TLC community and choose to stay in contact, whether by phone, email, social networking or in person.
Three days?! Why does it take the whole weekend?
$625?! Why does it cost so much?
Unlike other personal development programs, it’s not necessary to continue paying for “advanced” or “master” classes. Once you’ve taken TLC, you are welcome to return as an Assistant as often as you wish. In other words, you’ll keep growing and gaining new tools for free. If you decide down the road to re-enroll as a student to work on other things, you are eligible to do so for the discounted rate of $375.