Who takes RCB and why?
- Parents/Step-parents
- Teachers
- Day care providers
- Grandparents
- Healthcare workers
- Counselors
- Foster parents
- Anyone who interacts with children
Adults who have children in their lives know how frustrating it can be. Most feel the responsibility of impacting them in a way that will bring about their best. However, given only the skills they were raised with, they often finds themselves at wits end. Most adults have a very limited supply of tools in their “Parenting Tool Box.” RCB will fill your toolbox with many new ideas and proven techniques—ones that will allow you to expend much less energy and feel good about your interactions with your children.
I work all day and the kids participate in many activities, so it’s difficult to make time for the five weeknights of the course. Why isn’t RCB offered over a weekend?
What sort of "exercises" will we do during the course?
You’ll learn the techniques of RCB through a variety of methods, including:
- Lecture and demonstration of new parenting skills
- Group sharing and discussion
- Role-play exercises
- Brainstorming solutions to your specific family concerns
- Practicing skills you can use at home
AND, the cost of tuition also includes the Redirecting Children’s Behavior book and workbook plus many useful handouts.
What ages of children is RCB best for?
My children are young now, and I don’t think I'll remember the skills when they're teenagers. Should I wait to take RCB when they are older?
My husband/wife/partner and I were raised very differently, and it causes many disagreements. How will RCB help us?
I want to attend RCB but my partner doesn’t. What would you suggest?
It’s always better for both parents (whether living together or in separate homes) to attend so that each can learn and practice the same techniques. Being consistent in your parenting styles will help create stability and eliminate confusion for your children. It also allows each of you to support the other in parenting.
If your partner is not interested, we’d suggest that you kindly ask her/him to commit to attending just the first class. Offer your assurance that the decision of continuing is in his/her hands with no pressure on your part. Spoiler alert: We promise to make the class so interesting and fun that your partner can’t help but eagerly return for the rest!
Will all of our problems be solved after RCB?
What happens after we complete RCB?
I’ve heard that RCB's techniques can also be applied in the corporate world. How can a parenting class teach me how to be more successful at work?
Let’s face it, we’re all up to mischief throughout our lives, and that doesn’t change just because one walks into work. Learning how to handle such behavior is not much different from the skills you would use in redirecting children’s misbehavior.
In RCB you will learn to:
- Proactively resolve power struggles
- Dissolve harmful cycles of revenge
- Redirect inappropriate attention-getting behavior
- Facilitate productive meetings
- Create Win/Win solutions
- Take actions that leave people feeling appreciated and valuable
- Establish an atmosphere that cultivates respect and personal responsibility
- Develop a leadership style that inspires creativity and input