RBC has been helpful to me getting more help around the house and better behavior from my kids through affirmations of their appropriate actions, rather than criticism, lecturing, and punishment for their inappropriate actions. This has helped build my children’s self-esteem and also helped me form a stronger bond with them. I work to listen and understand their feelings and validate them. When I show this respect for my children, it helps them to respect others.

RCB has made me much calmer and more open-minded to the dynamics that go on between me and my children.

You are still making a difference in my life. Tough weekend with TJ (now 12). I was at the end of my rope. He was just being a monster toward everyone in the house. I started marching down the hallway to lay into him and I had a thought, “What would Barb do?” I calmly knocked on his door. He allowed me to enter. I sat down and simply said, “What’s going on, buddy? You don’t seem very happy.” I remembered your stories. I sat, and I waited. I waited a while. He said a couple of things. I parroted them back. And eventually, out it came. Struggling with some social stuff at school. Had been building up. All the tension left the room. He was a completely different person. Changed the dynamic of the entire family for the rest of the day. At the end of the night, he came up to me, gave me a huge hug and said, “Thanks for talking to me mom. I really needed to talk to someone. I feel so much better.” I give the good Lord credit for putting the thought into my head, but I give you credit for teaching me the best parenting techniques I’ve ever encountered. Thank you!

RCB is just what I needed for my classroom management. My room of third graders became a place of acceptance and appreciation.
RCB is the answer to any parent’s wish to understand their child’s behavior. It is like turning a light on. Confidence begins to replace guilt.

As a social worker, I have been introduced to many theories and techniques on parenting. This course is by far superior…it takes into account parental backgrounds to allow you to look at ‘why’ you are the parent you have become. Then it gives you tools to begin to change some of your beliefs and perceptions in order to be the fully effective parent you hoped to be….Both my husband and I have taken RCB. Our family environment changed from one of control to cooperation, mutual respect, and awesome results! I highly recommend RCB to anyone interested in raising healthy, happy children with the ultimate goal of encouraging and teaching them to be independent, successful and loving adults.